Scottish Golf View
Editor: Colin Farquharson
Webmaster: Gillian Kirkwood

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Neil Howitt decides not to go
back to United States

Neil Howitt from Nairn has informed Davis & Elkins College, West Virginia in the United States that he has decided not to return after the summer break. Howitt had a good 2007-2008 season on the American college golf circuit.
Davis & Elkins College will have one Scot returning - Graeme Robertson, a sophomore (second year) student from Stirling.
And there will be a new Scottish face on the Davis & Elkins roster for 2008-2009. He's Alasdair Forsythe, a freshman from Glasgow.
Scott Goddard, the Davis & Elkins golf coach, is heading for Scotland next April on a talent-spotting trip. Presumably he is going to watch the 2009 Scottish boys' match-play championship.



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