Scottish Golf View
Editor: Colin Farquharson
Webmaster: Gillian Kirkwood

Friday, July 25, 2008

Greig Hutcheon only one off the lead in
Wales Challenge at Cardiff

From Paul Symes, Challenge Tour Press Officer
A flawless round of 70 saw John Mellor of England grab the lead on the second day of the SWALEC Wales Challenge.
After posting two birdies on his front nine at Vale Hotel Golf and Spa Resort in Cardiff, Wales, Mellor moved to four under par 140, one shot clear of Sweden’s Joel Sjoholm and Aberdeenshire tour pro Greig Hutcheon, playing out of the Peterculter club, near Aberdeen.
The 38-year-old’s recent career has been hampered by injury, but after returning to form and full fitness, Mellor has now targeted an eighth full season on The European Tour.
He said: “My only Challenge Tour win came ten years ago, so it’d be good to get another on the board! It’s nice just to be up near the top of the leaderboard again, because it’s been a while. I’m injury-free, and if I keep playing well another season on The European Tour isn’t out of the question.”
Mellor is one clear of globe-trotting Swede Sjoholm, who took the unusual step of travelling to Cardiff via Moscow. At the start of the week, the Chilean-born Swede arrived in Moscow for the Inteco Russian Open Golf Championship on The European Tour, only to catch the next flight back two hours later after learning he had received an invitation to play at the SWALEC Wales Challenge.
Sjoholm explained: “Because I haven’t got a Challenge Tour category, I’m relying on invitations. So I figured either I’d have to win in Russia to get a card on The European Tour, or finish in the top ten in Wales to qualify for next week’s Challenge Tour event – and that was obviously more likely. So it’s taken a while to get here – but so far, so good!”
Sjoholm’s round of 71 moved him to three under par, one shot clear of home favourite Rhys Davies, who equalled the course record and move himself firmly into contention in a tie for fourth.
Davies’ 67, the joint lowest of the day, was made all the more remarkable by the fact that he opened his round with a double bogey at the first hole. But the youngster swiftly rallied with three consecutive birdies, and reeled off a further four to finish on two under par.
Davies, who enjoyed a prosperous amateur career before turning professional at the end of last year, said: “I hit a lot of good shots – I just misread the yardage on the first hole – so I have to be very happy with how I played. It’s only my fourth Challenge Tour event, and I’m really enjoying it so far. I’m now starting to realise what it takes to get to the top, because it’s a big step up from amateur golf – there’s such strength in depth.
“My progress since turning pro has been steady rather than spectacular, but I’m playing fairly consistently and my confidence is growing all the time. I’m just waiting for something big to happen now – whether that happens this week or next, who knows? I’ve got some friends and family watching me this week, so it’d be nice to finish high up on the leaderboard. I don’t want to get ahead of myself, but I suppose I’ve got nothing to lose really. I’m just going to go out there over the weekend, play my golf, and see where it takes me.”

Par 144 (2 x 72)
140 J Mellor (Eng) 70 70.
141 G Hutcheon (Sco) 71 70, J Sjoholm (Swe) 70 71.
142 A Bernadet (Fra) 72 70, R Davies (Wal) 75 67, I Garbutt (Eng) 71 71, D McGuigan (RSA) 75 67, B Pettersson (Swe) 69 73, S Robinson (Eng) 71 71, M Thorp (Nor) 71 71, C del Moral (Esp) 70 72, M Cort (Eng) 69 73.
143 S Benson (Eng) 74 69, M King (Eng) 71 72, K Baraka (Ger) 73 70.
144 B Austin (Eng) 73 71, G Clark (Eng) 73 71, D Gaunt (Aus) 74 70, M F Haastrup (Den) 75 69, S Jeppesen (Swe) 71 73; M Soffietti (Ita) 71 73
145 J Axgren (Swe) 76 69; R Cabrera Bello (Esp) 71 74; A Hogberg (Swe) 73 73; D Horsey (Eng) 70 75; E T Johansen (Nor) 72 73; M McGeady (Ire) 71 74; J Morrison (Eng) 74 71, G Murray (Sco) 71 74.
146 G A Clark (Eng) 75 71; M Higley (Eng) 70 76; S Mason (Eng) 72 74; C-E Russo (Fra) 76 70; A Tampion (Aus) 74 72; I Van Weerelt (Ned) 71 75
147 O David (Fra) 78 69; T Milford (Eng) 74 73; A Oldcorn (Sco) 78 69; J Wade (Aus) 75 72; B Weisberger (Aut) 74 73



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